Sunday 30 March 2014

Daily Style: Gothic

*this is a repost from my blog at, i am changing it over to blogger*
Last week I was meeting some people at a restaurant for lunch so i wanted to look a little more posh than usual. I wanted something that was also warm enough to wear as it was very windy and cold still, even though the first day of spring has been and gone. I also had to cycle to the restaurant, so i needed something comfortable enough to wear for that. As you can see I actually put on some eyeliner and black eye shadow for this.
Top: Here I was wearing a classic gothic style top from Dark Star, you can get a lot of their clothes and accessories from The Gothic Shop as Dark Star don't seem to have a website themselves.
I got mine from a charity shop, i know what a lucky find! It was under ten pounds too.
This top is beautiful, classic V shape bottom and lace sleeves, black velvet sides and front panel of purple and black spiderwebs. It comes up short, like a lot of these types of tops do for some reason, and i was not about to have my middle out, which is why i paired it with the long pencil skirt so i could wear that high up on my waist to meet this top.
Skirt: from Atmosphere, Primark. My lovely mum bought me it for my birthday last year. It is dark grey with black flock velvet feel pattern, she knows exactly how to pick gorgeous things for me. So this didn't cost me anything.
Socks: I wore some long thick grey socks as well, since my legs needed something. I got these on eBay £5.98 link here, they are more than i would usually pay for socks but I really wanted a pair of those really comfortable baggy, thick socks, that actually reach my thigh. And these really do the job. They are well worth the money. When I can,  want to order them in all the other colours.
Necklace; this necklace is really old from Claire's Accessories. But what can I say, it hasn't broken and I still wear it! It was probably around £5.
Earrings: I have both my lobes stretched to a 10mm, i also have two more piercings in the lobes and then i have one on each ear higher up but I never wear anything in it because I find it very annoying.
These plugs are one of my favourite pairs from Sick Plugs. These are the purple snowglobes, I also have the mother of pearl snowglobes, and I intend to buy the blue ones next. These plugs are awesome, they are literally mini snowglobes in your ear! They have glitter in liquid that moves around, it's amazing. These plugs at this size do cost £8 each but Sick Plugs are always doing voucher codes, so I buy them when I see a code. It is worth watching them on facebook etc. to see when they do these deals.
Here is a photo from their website to show off how good they actually look.
Shoes: again I wore my T.U.K kitty booties, they are so comfortable I wear them most of the time. I have a pair of kitty flats but they have been worn to death and have holes in the bottom, they are my 3rd pair i have worn out. My boots have My Little Pony laces I bought from eBay so many years ago.
2014-03-25 17.01.15

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